7:25 – Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways, do not stray into her paths;
7:26 – For she has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her were strong men.
My New King James Version of the Believer’s Study Bible categorizes this section as dealing with the “immoral woman.” I think we can just categorize it as dealing with the “immoral.”
One of the reasons we struggle with immorality is because it seems easier! If the moral path was the easier path, we’d take it.
we don’t.
Instead, we keep the extra change the cashier mistakenly gave us because, “it was her mistake.”
we have an affair because it seems easier than calling attention to the fire that has gone out in our marriage and taking the steps we need to take to fix it.
we vote for politicians who allow our government to take money from one person who works and give to another who doesn’t.
Or…(and this is one of the worst)
we see what’s wrong and we do NOTHING because we don’t want to be labelled.
The right path is not always the easy path, but it’s ALWAYS the right path.