8:22 – The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His way, before His works of old.
8:23 – I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning, before there was ever an earth.
Have you ever wondered why Wisdom makes such a big deal of being around since before the beginning of time?
Maybe Wisdom is not only establishing her bona fides, but she is also trying to get us to understand the importance of planning – particularly for a major endeavor.
Before God created anything – even before the universe – He planned what He was going to do.
He laid out, in whatever His Godly fashion is, the rules for this universe – the physical laws, the elements, mankind – and how we would work, what we would respond to.
I guess that goes back to what one thinks “Wisdom” is. For me, it’s truly understanding how this world works – people and things. While life is a mystery to us, God laid it all out beforehand; it’s not a mystery to Him.
Too often, when facing a major project or task, we jump right in. Or, if we plan at all, we just give our project a “lick and a promise.”
Then, when we run into problems, we are very quick to call on Him for assistance and guidance.
Why not ask for that guidance and assistance up front? After all, He set all of this up!
If He’s all-powerful and He took the “time” and effort to plan, doesn’t it makes sense for us to do the same?