Proverbs 3 – Relax!

3:5 – Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

3:6 – In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

I was on the phone asking my Dad, “Should I move to Austin, TX or stay where I am?”

He asked if I had prayed about it.  Yes, I had.  And after days of praying (and listening) for an answer, I still hadn’t heard anything from God – one way or another.  But, I felt an urgency to decide, and soon.

His response changed my life.

He said, “I believe God speaks to us.  Not necessarily in a voice; it’s different for each person.  In fact, He usually doesn’t communicate with anyone the same way twice.  And, He has also endowed us with intellect, intelligence, and free will.  I believe He wants us to use those gifts, as well.”

“So, when I have a decision to make, I pray about it, and I earnestly seek God’s guidance.  I also do my own due diligence.

“After I’ve been honestly seeking His guidance, IF He doesn’t tell me ‘No,’ and my investigation indicates it is a good course of action, or a good investment, then I go ahead and do it.”

“I trust Him that if it’s NOT a good deal, then He’ll get me out of it, or He’ll make it work.”

“And, that seems to have worked pretty well, so far.”

So, as I read these verses this morning, I heard my Dad’s voice, and I felt relief.

It’s not ALL up to me.