11:18 – The wicked man does deceptive work, but he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward.
11:21 – Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; but the posterity of the righteous will be delivered.
I am tired. I am numb.
Some days, I feel like a boxer being pummeled in a corner of the ring – all I can do is just cover up and wait for the round to end.
It’s not my personal life that makes me feel this way. It’s the relentless, never-ending, constant drumbeat of scandal, disappointment, and corruption that seems to be everywhere in our nation – and in our world.
- We don’t trust Congress. They make promises as candidates and break those promises as Senators or Representatives.
- We don’t trust our President. He swore to uphold the laws, but only enforces what seems best for him at the moment.
- We don’t trust the Administration. It keeps information hidden, and attacks those groups that want accountability.
- We don’t trust the Supreme Court. It seems to think it really is the SUPREME Court – for this world and the next.
The worst part? We expect it.
Think about what that means:
We vote for people we KNOW are lying to us,
AND, we REWARD them when they do!
It’s enough to drive anyone to despair.
Then, I read Chapter 11. Reading it, I was reminded that despite how things may appear to me, there is a power greater than what is in the world. He works behind the scenes. We just need to have faith and follow His lead.
The posterity of the righteous will be delivered.
I can breathe a sigh of relief. So, can you.