Proverbs 12 – Book Lovers

12:1 – Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Hmm…  He can’t be talking about, can He?

Although I read all of Chapter 12 this morning, this is the verse that screamed, “This means YOU!”

Reading this, I realized Solomon is talking about two different aspects of the learning process:

  1. ACQUIRING the information.
  2. APPLYING the information.

Think about the frustration parents have with their teenagers.  They know a lot of stuff; they just don’t apply what they know.

It’s the same with coaching associates or team members at work.  They know what needs to be done; they just don’t DO what needs to be done.

I have lots of books on my shelves (I was going to say tons, but in all actuality, it’s probably just hundreds of pounds).  And, I love them.  I loved buying them; I loved reading them.  Those books provide a lot of “wisdom,” which I dispense for the edification of other people.

In reading this verse, I realized that while I may love knowledge, and I love instruction, I still hate correction – when it applies to ME!  

It doesn’t matter where the knowledge or instruction comes from – books, personal observation, revelations from God – or how much of it we have accumulated.

We are still stupid if we are not making the corrections WE know we need to make.