18:5 – It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, or to overthrow the righteous in judgment.
I was surprised (and disappointed) to hear authorities choose to allow rioters to destroy the property of citizens they swore to protect by allowing people to break laws they swore to uphold!
As I see what is happening, I can see at least some of the path that brought us here.
- We had a President who lied to a grand jury, and we excused it.
- We have a Congress, President, and Supreme Court that violate our Constitution daily, and we accept it.
- We had a Secretary of State breaking the law by using a non-government email server, and we did nothing.
- And, the list goes on…
As Christians, our challenge is actually holding people accountable for their actions.
We are commanded to “love” everyone, but love” is not “acceptance.” In fact, if we are unwilling to actually call people on their crap, it’s because we care about ourselves MORE than we care about helping the other person.
Being partial to the wicked encourages them in their wickedness, and sets them up for failure in life.