Proverbs 27 – Make Hay While the Sun Shines

27:1 – Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

I didn’t realize that “boast[ing] about tomorrow” was a big problem.

But, apparently, it is.  After all, it’s addressed in the Bible.

What is “boasting” from God’s perspective?


The guy who proclaims all of the great things he will accomplish in the future is every bit as annoying as the guy who proclaims all of the great things he’s accomplished in the past.  So, we don’t see that very often (except from politicians).

But, what if it is the guy who says “I’ve got time”?  If you’ve ever procrastinated (and we all have), the underlying assumption is, “I’ve got time.”  What if procrastination is “boasting” to God?

How would our lives be different if we didn’t procrastinate?

  • How many families would be whole?
  • How many businesses would be successful?
  • How much happier would we be if we seized the opportunities God presents to us?

Maybe “boasting” is not always shouting from the rooftops how awesome we are, but it is quietly telling God, “I’ve  got time.”

Just saying.