19:16 – He who keeps the commandment keeps his soul, but he who is careless of his ways will die.
We no longer live in a world of distraction; we live in a world of interruption! The world today is constantly interrupting us as it screams for our attention.
We open our email, and staring us in the face, screaming for our attention, is spam, junk mail, unsolicited advertisements, and everyone else’s agenda for us.
Take a few minutes to disconnect and watch TV, and every 10 minutes (or less) someone is screaming for our attention to show us some aspect of the perfect life which can only happen when we:
- order this pizza,
- drive this car,
- drink this beer, or
- take this male enhancement/diabetes/blood pressure/ED/etc. drug.
So, the ideal lifestyle is eating pizza while driving and simultaneously washing down our drugs with beer?
How did we get here?
We got here by choosing – yes, choosing – not to be intentional.
When we plan our day (and if you don’t, you should), shouldn’t that be our “commandment” for the day? Sure, it’s not a “Commandment,” for everyone, but we have decided what is most important, on that day, for us. Do we protect our time and attention like the valuable commodity it is? No, we don’t. The ability to plan for the day and work our plan like a commandment is being lost..
Our time and attention is valuable – they’re valuable to us and to those who matter to us. (Even the people who don’t matter to us think they’re valuable.)
Look at the most successful. They accomplish what they have “commanded” themselves to do. They act with intent. They get stuff done, and they’re rewarded for it.
We make that choice – every minute of every day.
Oh, and isn’t it great when one of our commandments for the day is to have fun and spend time with those we love? It’s even better when we have accomplished all of our other commandments.