21: 3 – To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
We all know THAT guy (or gal). Maybe it was your parents; or it’s your kids, or a co-worker. Maybe it’s a “friend.”
Every time they do something for someone else, they make sure EVERYONE knows what an imposition it was. They tell everyone (in excruciating detail) how far out of their way it was to do “whatever.” They go on and on endlessly about the sacrifice(s) they made.
They make their kind of “sacrifice” sound noble.
It’s not! (And, in our hearts, we know it.)
“Duty” is not sacrifice. Parents have a duty to take care of their kids; children are commanded to honor their father and mother. Co-workers have a responsibility to their employer and co-workers – just like we do. Friends choose to “befriend” each other.
Sure, at times, it may be inconvenient, but these hardly rise to the level of “sacrifice.” They are consequences of choices we have made.
In fact, what we call the greatest sacrifice, Christ’s death on the cross, is an act of righteousness and justice for us, and of love for His Father in heaven.
It’s never been about what He was giving up, it is about why He chooses to give it up. (Yes, the tense is intentional.)
He chose to follow His Father, even unto death. He chose to do righteousness and justice while He was in mortal form.
To do righteousness and justice is where our focus should be. God will take care of the consequences.
We may call it sacrifice. Maybe He calls it “trading up.”