Proverbs 2 – Taking His Advice

2:1 – My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you

2:2 – So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;

2:3 – Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding,

2:4 – If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures;

2:5 – Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.

As I read these verses, I thought of my dad.  In 2012, he won his race here and went home to the winners’ circle.  It was right after Thanksgiving.

I loved my dad (and I still do).  He was one of my heroes (and he still is).  He was kind, smart, funny, insightful, and wise.  He lived a life of integrity.  He loved my mom, my brothers, and me.  He was truly successful in life.

He was a great role model, and he had great advice.  He was one of the best advisors I could ever have on this earth.  And, he was willing to give me his best stuff for free!

BUT, I had a hard time taking his advice when I got it.  Not because of his delivery, but because (usually) it meant I had to change.

Reading these verses reminded me:  Taking advice is not the same as getting advice.

God doesn’t give us Wisdom, but He says if we will:

  • Receive my words;
  • Treasure my commands;
  • Incline your ear;
  • Apply your heart;
  • Cry out;
  • Lift up;
  • Seek as silver;
  • for hidden treasures,

THEN you will understand.

Hmmmm…makes me wonder.  Salvation is a free gift, while acquiring Wisdom requires humility and action.

THAT explains a lot about this world, doesn’t it?