Proverbs 24 – Wage Your Own War
24:6 – For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety. It’s interesting to watch Donald Trump’s campaign as it continues to confound those “in the know.” While I claim no great insight into Donald Trump’s thinking, it seems to me that he is “waging his…
Proverbs 18 – Equal Treatment
18:5 – It is not good to show partiality to the wicked, or to overthrow the righteous in judgment. I was surprised (and disappointed) to hear authorities choose to allow rioters to destroy the property of citizens they swore to protect by allowing people to break laws they swore to uphold! As I see what is happening, I…
Proverbs 3 – What To Look For – EVERY Day!
3:27 – Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so. I remember standing in the bathroom, looking at my dad as he was shaving. I was 17 years old, and I was crying. I said to him, “I’ve been to…
Proverbs 30 – The Deep Questions of Life
30:2 – Surely, I am more stupid than any man, and do not have the understanding of a man. 30:3 – I neither learned wisdom nor have knowledge of the Holy One. 30:4 – Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in…
Proverbs 16 – Peace, Not Ease
16:7 – When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Yet, Jesus said, “In this life, you will have trouble.” What’s up with that? How do we reconcile those two concepts? It’s interesting the verse says “his enemies” not “His enemies.” The Lord promises to…
Proverbs 12 – Book Lovers
12:1 – Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. Hmm… He can’t be talking about, can He? Although I read all of Chapter 12 this morning, this is the verse that screamed, “This means YOU!” Reading this, I realized Solomon is talking about two different aspects of the learning process:…
Proverbs 11 – They Lie! And, it’s OK.
11:18 – The wicked man does deceptive work, but he who sows righteousness will have a sure reward. 11:21 – Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished; but the posterity of the righteous will be delivered. I am tired. I am numb. Some days, I feel like a boxer being pummeled in…
Proverbs 5 – Unmasking the “Immoral Woman”
5:9 – Lest you give your honor to others, and your years to the cruel one; 5:10 – Lest aliens be filled with your wealth, and you labors go to the house of a foreigner; 5:11 – And you mourn at last, when your flesh and your body are consumed. Recently, I was working…
Proverbs 4 – The Only True Security
4:7 – Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. 4:8 – Exalt her, and she will promote you; she will bring you honor, when you embrace her. 4:9 – She will place on your head an ornament of grace; a crown of glory she will deliver to…
Proverbs 1 – Targeted Marketing
1:4 – To give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion – 1:5 – A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel, The rebelliousness of our teenage years is driven, often, by our certainty that we are right and the equal certainty…